Wednesday 23 November 2011

Creep and A Fistful Of Dollars title sequences analysis

These are two of my analysed title sequences that i worked on early in the course:

Creep is a 2004 English Horror film. The opening sequence is quite frightening and scary to portray the image of how brutal and horrific the film is. First of all the music begins off very daunting, it gives off a very creepy effect and a mysterious feeling where it tries to make the viewer guess what is going on. The camera work is very clever how it makes almost everything seen a very bright yellow colour but only exceptional eye sight would be able to tell the narrative from the beginning as everything is very blurry.

The entire clip is very bright with the lighting hard and well done. Shadows can be seen from a lot of objects such as knives and doctors materials that glimpse the pieces of blackness through the yellow lighting, this is to give a very sinister and mysterious effect to the viewer watching. The font is also bright yellow with often blackness in the background while the music continues giving off a very frightful feeling, as the audience cannot see what is happening.

Blood is spotted at the start of the sequence next too and on a knife, which acts as an indicator to the audience that some kind of stabbing has occurred. The only other colour that is spotted at the beginning of the sequence except black and yellow is red, which immediately tells the viewer that danger or death is happening.  Someone wearing uniform then appears with doctor materials such as certain knives that tell the audience that the scene is possibly set in a hospital or medical room.

The person wearing this uniform is then seen to be chasing a woman with blood around her as screaming begins. The audience is now immediately told that the person in green is the antagonist of the sequence. After this has been shown the music builds rapidly for suspense as the woman is running away before finally coming to a climax and turning to darkness that gives away the fact that the woman has been killed. The title of the film is then portrayed.

At the beginning of the sequence the camera is constantly panning around showing different sections of the room (although they are very bright and blurry). Close ups of the woman’s face are seen at the end of the clip to show how scared she is.

A Fistful Of Dollars:
A Fistful Of Dollars is a 1964 Spaghetti Western film. The opening sequence begins off with a lot of red shown which indicates blood; an animated shadow of a cowboy is then shown riding a horse of which you can also hear through the sequence. The red screen continues as the cowboy is riding to indicate that a lot of blood may be on his hands, maybe that he has killed a lot of people or he is an exceptional gunslinger.

Whistling then begins while the cowboy is riding and you can still hear the horse galloping. The combination of the horse and the whistling with the red in the background possibly gives away the fact that this cowboy in particular is a very good gunslinger with possibly a cool attitude. When the names then appear of the actors/actresses in the movie they are followed by the fire of a gun that gives a dramatic effect of a typical gunshot from a Western movie.

A bunch more cowboys then appear and begin shooting at one another and killing them, this happening at the same time of the soundtrack of the whistling continuing and the horses galloping with the gunshots. The camera often stays with the original cowboy and tracks him to keep the audience up to date with which one he is.

A lot of gunshots are fired with the titles flickering on and off and the cowboys fighting until eventually one is left galloping just like the beginning. This indicates that the original cowboy is the only one standing and a sense of joy is given to the audience who would realise it. The music gets louder and more intense at the end for effect as the cowboy gallops into the sunlight before the sequence ends and the film begins.

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