Friday 30 March 2012


We edited various different sound clips together using Soundtrack Pro which was a really useful application. Once we created the music, we edited it on to our sequence timeline. We have let the music dictate the style of editing e.g. when the music is slow and building tension, the pace of editing will also be slow to match the tension. When the music builds pace, momentum and volume before reaching to a climax, the editing will be fast paced, this will be done by using lots of small shots juxtaposed together. The music plays an important part of setting the mood and the atmosphere of the title sequence which is what I am focusing on, the narrative is still important but not as important as the feel and tense atmosphere as its only a title sequence and not a film. It is crucial that the music build to a crescendo, if it stays tense, fast paced and loud all the way through the sequence it will sound very monotonous and boring. It will lose the ability to create an atmosphere or excite the audience. That is why I have edited the music to build slowly, varying in pitch and pace as well. 

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