Thursday, 26 April 2012

Evaluation - Attracting the audience.

We used different micro-features and techniques to attract the audience into watching and liking out Thriller opening. The Mise-en scene was key in our opening, the settings of a dark room and a park are suited to the Thriller genre due to places where heroes are vulnerable, which would ultimately attract an audience who enjoy Thriller films. Props also were suited to the genre and helped to attract the audience, the Zippo used be the kidnapper was added in to give a more sinister and mysterious feel while watching the opening, and the Lamp used at the beginning of the clip gives out a similar tense feeling. The casual costumes used of the characters were used to convey realism, and the lighting in the room was often very dark with the Lamp used for natural light to suit the genre. Below is a use of a Zippo in darkness which shows how it can make a scene more sinister and frightening.

The certificate of our film is 15. We felt that this certificate is appropriate due to the theme of fear being key in the Thriller opening. Most Thriller films are either a 15 or 18 certificate and we felt that a 15 certificate was appropriate as a slightly more wider audience could be attracted. We added elements of Horror into our Thriller opening which helps to attract an extra audience who may prefer the Horror genre as opposed to the Thriller genre. The screenshot below conveys the beginning of our film and the font that we included.

The audience feedback that we got back from our Thriller film was very positive. A lot of feedback that we got was about the way the the opening sets out very well for a feature length film, and that they personally would watch the feature length film in the Cinemas. I quote my own brother Callum Bolland, who said "the opening made me feel frightened at times, which was a pleasurable feeling that i expected from a film of the Thriller genre".

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