Thursday 26 April 2012

Evaluation - Forms and Conventions.

Our film opening is similar to certain Thriller films, elements like the titles are similar to the opening titles to that of the critically acclaimed Thriller film "Seven", of which i mentioned the titles earlier in the blog. The titles to our opening are under the font "cracked" and are in the corner of the screen which are the same to that of "Seven. Our own style has been added however, with the font not being an exact copy to that of "Seven" but just similar, and the "cracked" font being our own picked style. The image below conveys that.

We have gone against certain Thriller conventions, the scene at the park is done during the day where as a common Thriller convention is having scenes shot at times of darkness. Certain conventions of the Thriller genre we have adopted though, such as an antagonist who is stalking the main protagonist of the opening. There are two kinds of music played in the duration of our film opening. During the scene where the titles are displayed and the confrontation between the kidnapper and the person kidnapped takes place, the music is of a piano and it is very creepy styled. In the scene of the flashback, the music is a lot more eerie and suited towards the scene of someone being stalked.

The narrative structure is a contrast to that of Todorov's equilibrium theory. Our Thriller opening begins off with the kidnapping already taken place, and then goes into a flashback. We felt that our opening would challenge the audience's minds and contrast the typical conventions of a Thriller film. As for the characters in our film, the face of the villain is not portrayed to give out a very suspenseful feeling and the main character us shown to be very vulnerable due to his actions in the opening.

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